Breathe Your Way Into Freedom and Vitality
Natalie Keany is a therapeutic breathwork and embodiment facilitator, based in London, UK. Offering sessions in-person and online, as well as workshops, retreats and practitioner trainings throughout the UK, Europe and Asia
Evolve Breathwork is a trauma informed, somatic breathwork modality which supports the release of physical tension, unprocessed trauma and unacknowledged emotion which may be stored in the body. Natalie uses conscious connected breathwork in a therapeutic and individualised way to support clients to re-connect to their body and the innate intelligence it holds whilst working respectfully with the nervous system.
Book a 30 min complimentary Zoom call to meet Natalie and discover how Therapeutic Breathwork can support your wellbeing.
For in-person/online sessions, please contact Natalie - info@evolvebreathbody.com to be added to the waiting list for session availability from end of May 2025 onwards. Thank you for your patience.
Breathwork Volunteers Wanted
Volunteers wanted for the advanced training program. You will be invited into the group room in London for approx 2.5 hours to receive a session from Natalie whist a small group of trainee’s observe the session. Best suited to those who have experienced conscious connected breathwork before and are aware of the potential for physical and emotional release. Email info@evolvebreathbody.com to book your session spot.
Upcoming Breathwork Events

Breathwork Retreat
May 14~19
Andalusia Spain
‘The Opening’ is a simple and gentle retreat into expansion. Combining Breathwork, Yoga, Vocal Work, Embodiment Practices and time to chill.
"By the end of the course I could not believe the transformation that was taking place in me. It is the most rewarding and awe inspiring thing I have done to date. I feel magnificent! I would say to anybody that is considering or is in two minds about signing up, to jump in. It will change your life for the better.”
Arun - London (attended training and retreat in Goa, India)
“I so recommend Natalie Keany’s breathwork retreats. Life-changing for me…. Not breathing deeply and properly has held me back from inner stillness and joy for years. And holding onto all that anger and pain that I didn’t know how or where to express. Things are starting to shift now and breath is the key.”
Olivia - Portugal (attended retreat in Portugal)
“Phenomenal holding power…. Having experienced Breathwork with other coaches and taking part in a training elsewhere it helps in evaluating the quality of my experience with Evolve. I found Natalie to be very knowledgeable in her field. An extremely caring and understanding nature, willing to go that extra mile in aftercare and holding that may be required.
Ken- Scotland (attended several 1:1 sessions and a retreat in Wiltshire, UK)
Evolve Breath & Body
Reclaiming Self Through Breathwork
A therapeutic breathwork session is a gentle, yet powerful approach to healing. In an Evolve session, breathing techniques are implemented to accommodate the nervous system, with special attention given to the unique needs of each individual. Combining embodiment practices, enquiry, supportive touch and authentic expression as a means of recalibrating body, mind and spirit.
The sensations and emotions of your body have information and messages for you. Due to the exposure of traumatic events and circumstances, we often become dissociated from our body. Affecting our ability to feel, respond and engage in life. When we learn to listen instead of dismissing these messages, we are able to reclaim our body and the innate wisdom it holds.
A Trauma Informed Approach
“Trauma is what happens inside of you as a result of traumatic events. It is a loss of connection to oneself and to the present moment.” - Gabor Maté
Trauma is prevalent across the globe. Trauma may be the result of acute or chronic stress. It can also stem from accidents, surgery, sexual or physical violation, emotional abuse, neglect, war, natural disasters, separation, birth/developmental trauma. Trauma can be collective, cultural, racial and ancestral. Many of us have experienced trauma to some degree. A traumatic experience does not need to be a catastrophic event. A traumatic experience may simply be a moment in life which is overwhelming, causing hyper-arousal. This hyper-arousal can result with energy becoming ‘stuck’ in the nervous system if left unprocessed. Which in turn, can lead to subtle or debilitating physical and psychological symptoms…..
The power of Breathwork
“Breathing is the first act of life and the last. Our very life depends on it. Since we cannot live without breathing it is tragically deplorable to contemplate the millions and millions who have never mastered the art of correct breathing”
-Joseph Pilates. Inventor of the Pilates method
Breathing is the most underestimated, most accessible and most life enhancing tool we have to live a healthy vibrant existence…….
There has Never Been a Better Time to Evolve
Now, more than ever, as individuals and as a collective we are being called to connect with our own inner wisdom, to find safety and clarity within, to learn how to nourish ourselves and build resiliency levels. We are meeting our grief, fear, anger and frustration and the imprint of trauma which has been held in our bodies for years, possibly even generations. We are yearning to come into deeper and right relationship with ourselves and others as we experience powerful and potent times on our planet. There has never been a better time to Evolve for ourselves and for each other…..

“Natalie's ability to create such a supportive atmosphere not only for me, but other members of the group, while also achieving such amazing results collectively, was simply astounding. I was able to create immeasurable space within my consciousness while also achieving a meditative state far beyond any yoga practice has ever allowed me. Thank you sincerely for sharing your gift with us.”
— David - Margaret River, Australia