Evolve Services

Each client is received as whole and is honoured for their unique life journey and the impact that has had on their physical, spiritual and emotional body. Together, we meet the layers, armouring and beliefs which we have all carried with us in some form throughout our lives. Each session honours the individual resilience levels, boundaries, and the nervous system of each client.

When a place of contraction is met with presence, breath, touch and the tool of felt sense, there comes a very organic impulse from the body to release and recalibrate.

Each session is a co-created journey between client and practitioner, and ultimately, we always look to the deep inner wisdom of the body to reveal the places that are calling to be met in any given moment. A series of sessions is recommended, after which, the client will have the tools and awareness to work self sufficiently in their own home, having established a sense of safety within their own body.

Please note that in-person sessions include touch and bodywork with the clients consent.

Evolve Breath & Body sessions and events could be very useful to you if you experience the following - ADD, Apnoea, Anxiety, Breathlessness, Depression, Chronic fatigue, Difficulty in focusing, OCD, Physical and emotional pain, PTSD, Complex PTSD, Eating Disorders, Stress, Stress related medical illness, Insomnia, Fear, Grief, Panic Attacks, Wavering Confidence, IBS, Respiratory issues, PMS, Long Covid related symptoms and more…
Supports: physical alignment, aliveness, body awareness, inner balance, connection to self and others, creativity, spiritual connection, emotional integration, health and well-being, meditation practices, mental clarity, self awareness, relaxation, self care, releasing of unhealthy thought patterns and limiting beliefs, integration of unprocessed trauma.

London Breathwork Training

Evolve Breathwork Sessions

These 1:1 sessions are recommended as a series of 6 sessions, or as a general maintenance practice for ongoing physical, mental and emotional health care. These sessions are perfect for those who are new to breathwork and want to explore layer by layer, gently meeting every feeling, emotion and sensation as it arises. These sessions are also great for those who are looking to release thought patterns, behavioural patterns and self limiting beliefs.

In-Person in Your Home - London £140 (90 mins) if within a 45 min radius.

In-Person in Treatment Room - London £140 (90 mins)

Online Session Prices £95 per session (75-90 mins)

Please allow a minimum of 30 mins post-session integration time.

Biodynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release System

These sessions are recommended for those who already have some breathwork experience. And for those who have specific unprocessed trauma they wish to work with. This work is also great for those who are experiencing physical aches, pains and illness. A full series of 7 sessions is highly recommended to gain the full benefits of the BBTR system. The 7 belts of tension are the areas in the body which have a tendency to accumulate tension- as defined by Wilhelm Reich.

Session1-General intro to therapeutic breathwork

Session 2 - Ocular (eyes, forehead, scalp)

Session 3 - Combined Oral (Jaw) & Cervical (throat, neck)

Session 4 - Thoracic (chest, shoulders, arms)

Session 5 - Diaphragmatic (diaphragm, rib cage)

Session 6 - Abdominal (belly)

Session 7 - Pelvic (Pelvic floor, buttocks, psoas, hips, legs).

Learn more about the 7 Belts of Tension. The first session will be a general session, not focusing on any specific area. This session is to allow your body and nervous system to become acquainted with the breathwork process. It also gives the opportunity to become familiar with your facilitator and share observations about your response to the work.

In-Person In Your Home-London £140 per session (90 min session) if within a 45 min radius.

In-Person In Treatment Room-London £140 per session (90 min session)

Online Session Prices £95 per session (75-90 mins)

Please allow a minimum of 30 mins post-session integration time.

Breathwork Massage

This session is designed to slowly open the body to receive a deeper breath as well as rejuvenating the internal organs. This is a 1.5 hour in-person session combining slow, gentle conscious breathwork with bodywork. The massage is focused specifically on the abdomen, diaphragm, intercostals and chest. Easing areas of physical and emotional tension and holding patterns which can prevent us from receiving deeper diaphragmatic breaths. This session is recommended for those who find it difficult to inhale, those who experience anxiety and panic attacks, those who feel a tightness around the chest and diaphragm, or breathlessness.

£150 for a 1.5 hour session in your home if within a 45 min radius/ in treatment room in London

Breath & Body therapy for cancer

Breath and Touch Therapy for Oncology

Gentle breath awareness and slow light touch for people with a cancer diagnosis. applied as appropriate for the individual on any particular day. Helps to bring connection to the body, relaxes the mind, and brings comfort to the soul.

Can be applied as a complimentary therapy to those receiving treatment, those recovering from cancer treatment, or as a part of palliative care.

£80 for 45 min session - at home/hospice/treatment room in London

The Breathwork Mentorship/Supervision/Advanced Program

Individual Mentorship Program for Aspiring/Existing Breathwork Practitioners.

This program is for those who have already completed and been certified in a breathwork practitioner training program with Evolve or any other training institute, and would like additional support and guidance to gain further confidence in the field. This is a great way to get new inspiration for your work, extend your tool kit, and receive regular supervision sessions.

If you are an ‘Evolve Breath & Body’ practitioner training graduate, this will extend your current training to a 2 year training and will qualify you for the advanced practitioner training certificate. You must already have an existing certificate in breathwork (minimum of 6 months training period) and you are actively working with clients/case studies.

This is a 17 month program which is individually catered to you. The program can begin at any time within 2 years of becoming a breathwork practitioner.

The mentorship/advanced program consists of:

  • x17 online mentor/supervision sessions - 1 hr- 1 per month

  • x8 online one-one breathwork & embodiment sessions with Natalie - 1.5hr - bi-monthly

  • x8 group share/Q&A sessions 1.5hr- bi-monthly

  • x8 in person group practice/learning sessions - 3hrs - bi -monthly

  • Access to Evolve community, ongoing support and opportunities to assist to gain further experience.

Please see ‘Events’ page for breathwork facilitator trainings.

£1500 (£1250 for existing Evolve Breath & Body trainees and graduates)

“Trauma is hell on earth….. Trauma resolved is a gift from the gods”

-Peter Levine. Founder of Somatic Experiencing